Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thinking Thursdays - Moving Fun

We don't move for about 2 months. Yet the process has already begun for me.

We need more boxes. And tape.

I'm thinking about investing in a label maker.

Do we really need that? (In other words, 'Do I really have to pack that? Then unpack it, and find a home for it in the new house?)

What can we live without that I can start packing early? If I can pack it so early, do we really need it?

Yay! Friends with trucks. (Yay! Having one of our own, finally!) So far it's looking like we'll have three trucks going and two sedans. Woot. I figure I'll take our little car over with the TV and some kitchen stuff and direct traffic at the new house.

Me taking the TV in the car, not my idea. My husband's 'request'. He's petrified of putting that TV in a truck. He wants it safe and sound in the car with me.

We aren't moving all that far, just out of our small apartment into a comparably big house. Still renting, not ready to buy. But I'll have an office! We'll have a guest room!

Maybe even a separate dining room! This is of course all dependent upon us finding the right house, in the right neighborhood, near the right gate.

We've done some preliminary and know they are out there. Now we get to start seriously looking. I want to know where we are moving by March 1st. (We'd be moving end of March, as that's when our current lease ends.)

I'm know the March 1st know-where-we're-going deadline is pretty optimistic, but it's worth shooting for.

This will be only the second time we've moved as a couple, my 5th time moving overall. Such fun.

An office! I will catch myself daydreaming about it. Right now, my office is our apartment. I'm typing this up in bed. Sometimes I'll work on the sofa, other times I'll sit at the barely used dining table. Or outside on our little patio. I'm not a huge fan of not having a specific place for me to work. (Work = Writing + Homework)

Any moving horror stories to share? (Or funny ones, I love funny stories!)

1 comment:

  1. We're having problems with our apt complex, once again. Our lease is up in July, which gives us plenty of time to find a house to buy or rent. Which excites me, greatly.

    <3 You don't want to hear my horror stories.
