Saturday, January 30, 2010

Too Fast

Time is going by rather fast. It's already Saturday night.

I got to everything on my to-do list. My toes are now a nice fire truck red. I like it.

I'm greatly disliking carpal tunnel. I have to be so careful. I have been for a while. But it's like, type up some writing OR play some video games with my husband OR copy notes for class. I can't do all three in the same day. I won't play video games Monday or Wednesday nights because I know I have to take a ton of notes in my classes.

Right now I'm behind on my 2YN over at Forward Motion, because I want to sit and hand write some of that stuff out. Planning to work on that tomorrow.

We've started to get a great group of friends down here, it's pretty awesome. Makes me feel slightly old that we have game nights, but it's fun. We trade hosting yet my husband and I are out of the rotation until we move to a bigger place in March. We have a tiny little apartment at the moment. We'll be moving to a bigger rental house. It's funny. You can get a three bedroom house with a garage in this town (in a decent neighborhood) for the same price as an apartment in the 'nice' part of town.

Kinda crazy. We're not buying due to the whole military thing. And no offense to Texas, I don't want to settle here.

Have to stop typing now. I hope everyone is having or had a great weekend!

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