Friday, May 28, 2010

Ideas - Random Times and Places

Times and Place

  • The shower
  • The bathroom in general
  • In the car
  • While cooking
  • The few minutes before you fall asleep at night.
  • While peeling a hard boiled egg. That one was fun. :D

When I'm stuck, the shower seems to be the best place for me to get ideas, or to figure the problem out.

I know there are many more, what ones do you have to add to the list?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Life is crazy, but I'm still writing!

I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I do not want to rant about life crap here.

Main problem, we now have 3 house guests. Two humans and one 8 wk old un-house-trained, un-puppy pad trained female puppy. Not a planned visit, they had to move out of their place super fast due to violence in the area causing his command to order him to move out.

And the two humans are fairly irresponsible and if I had any choice they would never be allowed to adopt any animal again.

Bottom line, I end up watching the pup a lot, and with the heat down here, I can only leave her outside with Zeus for so long. She pees constantly.

But in other news, I revamped my schedule for Ivory, I'll be done by June 24th at the latest. I'm hoping it will go faster than that, but I also know my ending needs extra care.

I'm also starting work on my outline/characters for my next project. Ivory is very close to being as done as it's going to get. Even if it's crap, it'll be finished. First novels aren't supposed to be great works of art anyways. :D

My posts will either be constant or super sporadic the next week or so. We have our guests until June 1st for sure.

I hope you all are writing, reading, and generally having a good summer so far!

Monday, May 17, 2010

This Week

Everyday Life

Early workouts MWF and Sat, afternoon workout class Tues and Thurs - we're trying Zumba! I'm scared. Also my eating habits aren't helping me any. The workouts seem to just be keeping things on an even keel rather than me losing weight. I may have to do a week or two of a crash diet to spur my metabolism into high gear again.

Zeus has a vet appointment Wednesday - More shots. He won't be happy.

Writing Life
(A month in a glance.)

Ivory - Finish fixing everything by June 4th. Ambitious, but I can do it!

EIM - Outline done by June 11th. I had an awesome idea for a murder mystery. I may end up writing that instead. I haven't found my niche yet, so I'm dabbling in anything that sparks my interest.

2YN - I'm behind again. I just need to set one day of writing time aside to catch up. I'm having too much fun with this course to let it slip away. I will be caught up by May 27th.


I have no goal to meet by May 21st. I like having goals due on Fridays. Hmm.

Oooo! By May 21st, I will have all my writing stuff organized in the office! It became a major dump spot over this weekend due to hubby's birthday party. It needs cleaning out.

Puppy Picture of the Day

We did a luau theme for my husband's birthday. It was really fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Boards Are Done!

(More pictures if you click on the photo, it'll take you to my flickr page.)

6 boards, 24 chapters, 72 scenes, 288 used post-its and I ran out of the light blue for the 'place' post-it with 6 scenes remaining.

It was so worth it. I know EXACTLY what I need to do. It's all laid out right there for me.

And I met my writing goal for the boards! YAY!

In pure OCD fashion, the orange post-it on the middle board, one row up from the bottom is crooked and it bugs me, making me want to fix it then retake the picture. But I won't. It's crooked. So what?

I'm so happy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I get distracted so easily it boggles my mind.

I was walking into the living to get something, stubbed my toe and didn't remember what I was going to get for a good 20 minutes.

When I'm writing (or editing!) this happens ALL the time. My house gets cleaned, laundry gets folded and the floors even get mopped.

My friend said something the other day that hit home with me. Fear of succeeding. If you're always used to not doing what you want, the prospect of actually doing it is scary. At least for me. Like when I realized I had a shot at a 3.5 GPA. All I had to do was not flunk my finals. So I freaked out, even though I knew the material inside and out.

Like right now. I have to finish the boards today to meet my goal because I will not have time to work on them tomorrow. I could be done in an hour, but I keep doing other things. I rarely meet my writing goals. when I make them, I know it's more of a guideline. I'm making the decision today to stop letting myself get distracted. Why sabotage yourself? There's no point.

To stop some of the distractions I'm flipping the switch on my Toshiba that controls the wireless. No more distractions!

Hm. The bathroom needs to be cleaned...

^_^ Just kidding! My butt is staying right here until those boards are done!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010




I looked back at my New Years goals, I had no faith in myself! I was settling for a 2.5.

3.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

It may go up or down a wee bit, one professor hasn't posted final grades, but has posted all our graded stuff so I figured out my grade, twas a good one. :D

Now to keep it up next semester. I'll be starting my accounting classes as well as catching up in my math, I still haven't taken pre-calc.... I'll also be taking a speech class and microeconomics.

The speech class should be the 'easy' class. I'm brushing up on my math skills now so pre-calc should be a breeze as it's the non-math major version. :D

No clue what to expect for economics.


Ooh and I only have 1 and 1/2ish boards left on Ivory! Of course when I'm done, I'm not done. Lots to go back and fix. I found a ton of scenes that need rearranging, shortening, lengthening. Thankfully so far I'm only missing one scene. And it's really only half a scene.

I do know my ending needs some serious help, so that will be fun to figure out!

Puppy Picture of the Day:

I know, no cute puppy! Believe me, he didn't look so cute after I found this. First casualty to the puppy. It's what I get for letting him sleep on my flipflops. He learned his lesson. No chewing on shoes!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Week of Summer!

And I'm keeping myself busy! This week is pretty simple, yet full.

I have to finish the plot boards for Ivory by Friday. Really by Thursday night. Friday I'll be running around buying all the lovely last minute things for my husband's birthday party on Saturday.

We're doing a luau theme. No idea how it's going to work out, this is my first themed party. It'll be fun for sure though. We've got a close knit group of friends down here. If it looks good I'll post pictures. :D

I'm not working on the outline for EIM yet. I'm going to wait until I finish the boards for Ivory and see how it works plotting a new story with the boards. I think it many work well.

I've also started brushing up on my mathematics skills. I have to take Pre-Calc next semester and it has been about 7 years since I took a math class. Setting myself up to succeed!

Math was one of my worst subjects after 9th grade. Followed closely by chemistry. I hope I never have to take a chemistry class again. I did poorly in English as well. I still don't get the point of diagramming sentences.

Ah, the memories of high school...Wasn't super long ago for me, but long enough my class is planning a reunion.

What was your least favorite subject in school?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Still Studying...

From xkcd, I love this comic.

First exam this afternoon. I feel prepared, but not 100% good to go. Breakfast time!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Plan for this week

Make it to Friday without going insane.

Finals this week, I'm looking at a solid B in my business class, a hopeful C in my religion class. That one depends on how much he decides to curve the grades.

I'd love to say I'm going to get writing done this week, but I know better. I might on Friday.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


So I am leaving you with this: