Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Week of Summer!

And I'm keeping myself busy! This week is pretty simple, yet full.

I have to finish the plot boards for Ivory by Friday. Really by Thursday night. Friday I'll be running around buying all the lovely last minute things for my husband's birthday party on Saturday.

We're doing a luau theme. No idea how it's going to work out, this is my first themed party. It'll be fun for sure though. We've got a close knit group of friends down here. If it looks good I'll post pictures. :D

I'm not working on the outline for EIM yet. I'm going to wait until I finish the boards for Ivory and see how it works plotting a new story with the boards. I think it many work well.

I've also started brushing up on my mathematics skills. I have to take Pre-Calc next semester and it has been about 7 years since I took a math class. Setting myself up to succeed!

Math was one of my worst subjects after 9th grade. Followed closely by chemistry. I hope I never have to take a chemistry class again. I did poorly in English as well. I still don't get the point of diagramming sentences.

Ah, the memories of high school...Wasn't super long ago for me, but long enough my class is planning a reunion.

What was your least favorite subject in school?


  1. It's been hot enough for summer here, but I'd rather we had another month of Spring!
    Least favorite? American history before WWI. I grew up in Oregon and we studied the Lewis & Clark expedition for months - every - single - year!

  2. Ouch!

    I liked history, the local history was always fun for me. But they didn't shove it down our throats every year.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Gosh, can I say all? Or can I Barbie out and say I hated math? HOnestly I dreaded those days. Have fun at the reunion!
