Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away.

We need the rain down here in Texas. But I'd rather it be 65 degrees and sunny. Yes I am a New England girl complaining about 65 degrees in October. I think this is the coldest October I've had so far in Texas, and I'm going on 4 years here.

One thing rainy days do for me is make me want to write. Or nap. Usually writing wins unless I'm really comfortable.

My memory keeps going out on me. I'm hoping it's just stress. I don't really want to be literally losing my mind at 23. Okay 22. I'm almost 23, so I'm just trying to get used to the idea now. I know. Wah wah. It really feels like I was a teenager just the other day. But no.

Just like I still look it awe at my printed out novel. How did I write so much? Then I look at my little progress on my current work and remember. It took looonnnnggg time. Eventually I'll speed up, for now I'm happy with the fact that I'm writing.

I've finally got a 'desk' area. It's really my kitchen table, but I never use it as such. Yay desk! I was always sitting on my sofa or bed trying to write. I'd get so far then turn the TV on... I have to start just going to B&N to write. Or something. It's relaxing there on the weekdays. Everyone is still at work. :D

Where do you write?


  1. In my bedroom at my computer table.

    If I'm writing the old-fashioned way, I'll be in a comfy chair in the front room with some quiet music playing in the background. Preferably with a cup of tea to hand and several biscuits and cakes to keep me going.

  2. Cake is always awesome.

    Lack of knowledge on my part, is cake the same in the UK as it is in the US? I know biscuits are different.
