Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm back! My wrist is healing well. I am super happy with the results so far. Yay! I discovered 750words while on the mend and I instantly fell in love.

For those of you with established writing routines, I doubt you'd find this site useful. But those of you (like me!) who don't have one, this could be a wonderful tool.

Basic concept, write 750 words (any words) everyday (on the site or you can copy/paste. If you copy/paste, some of the stats will go wonky), the words are kept private.

My goal with using the site is to establish a writing daily writing routine. I've had a very hard time in the past. I would blame stress, but really I'd get interrupted because I simply couldn't type anymore without pain.No longer a problem!

So far I've only missed one day. Killed my ten day streak. :( But that's okay, I had a ten day streak! :D

I hope everyone is having a non-Garfield Monday!


  1. 750 words is such a non-threatening number. LOL
    It's such a doable goal. I've never heard of so I'm going to check it out. Thx!

  2. 750? easy peasy rice and cheesy. when i do it. most of my time has been spent editing lately - so no new words for a while. though i can't wait to start again!

  3. That sounds like a great site! Sometimes I need a little sinister motivation to get me going. ;)

  4. Wow way to go you!!!! 10 day streak is flippin awesome!!! I need some motivation but that's why I signed up for NaNo, it's sure to kick me in the rear!!!

    Random fact: I now follow you on twitter, not sure what took me so long!

  5. Jennifer - 750 is a very nonthreatening number! And it really doesn't take all that long to write!

    Amie - I hate editing... If I was already rich and famous, I'd pay someone to do all my editing.

    T. Anne - Sinister motivation makes me think of Write or Die I never use that site though, the pressure is way too intense!

    Jen - NaNo is awesome for motivation, the downside is keeping the motivation on Dec. 1st. Thanks for the follow on twitter!
