Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Writing Update and Goals

Hi everyone! How is your summer going? Mine's hot, and more hot. Skyrocketing electric bill because I simply do not have the willpower to resist the AC. I at least can live between 80-85 degrees, my husband would love it to be set at 70. He gets away with 75 occasionally.

I'm been busy trying not to whine about feeling like I'm dying. I'm having allergy testing done Wednesday morning, I haven't been able to take any antihistamines since Friday. Almost there!

I found the bread recipe! Look for the post Friday, pictures and all. (Stephen - I'm trying the writing it in Word first and saving it method. So far so good!)

The outline for my 100% romance novel is 95% done. There's this little soggy section in the middle that needs some attending to.

Ivory? Yeah. Um.

'Bout that.

Haven't done a thing. I think I'm just going to shelve it from my goals list and work on it when the mood hits me. There goes one of my New Years goals, but that's okay. I'm just happy my goal of at least a 2.5 got shot out of the water with my 3.25 GPA. :D

This last little writing tidbit is still a ways away, but I figured I should start plugging it now, and then just remind. :D Keli Gywn, over at Romance Writers on the Journey asked me to do an interview!

Look! Look! Third down!

Me! August 16th!

Yes, I write romance. No, I don't really talk about that much, maybe I will when I've been writing for a few more years and feel like I have an actual grasp on my voice. Right now I'm content with announcing words on the page.

I'm very excited! I will be sure to post a reminder, be sure to stop by, I'm giving away a little prize!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. Thanks for the updates. Congrats on your great gpa.

    Hot here, too-but we keep our AC at 78. Best of luck with the allergy testing and the romance writing.

    Cheers~ N

  2. You sound like you might be a bit of an introvert. I am. I write better than I speak, although I do like talking. Good luck with your novel and your studies. And may your allergies be gone like a puff of smoke in the wind (ancient Chinese blessing).

    Stephen Tremp

  3. I found my writing voice was pretty much the same as it started out. Except that I started adding layers to my stories.

    My sympathies on the upcoming allergy testing. I've been going to the allergist like forever. But it's helped a lot!

    I gave you an award over at my blog. Don't worry about passing it on if awards aren't your thing. Just consider it a shout-out for your blog.

    Stay as cool as you can.
