Friday, November 13, 2009

Wrist Pain

I'm not even doing NaNo this year and my wrist is acting up.

I'm on chapter 10 of 25, with nine days left. I'm planning to knock out two tomorrow. I haven't looked all the way ahead, but I'm hoping to be able to get two a day done a couple times. I know Sunday I'll only get one, it's a doozy. I'm pretty sure half of that chapter will be cut and fed back in elsewhere. It's a pretty big info dump. Relevant information, just not need in history report form.

My spellchecker doesn't like the word 'doozy'. It's in the wikionary! I've never been a huge fan of Wiki, in terms of factual information, but they have come up with some funny sounding words.

See how I get distracted? A red squiggle line throws me off topic completely. I'm hopeful that I will finish by the time I fly out for Colorado. But, Anita's post today, brief but wonderful, reminded me not to rush. So I'm going to get as much done as I possibly can, without rushing myself. I am motivated to finish before I leave, but I won't rush it. I don't want to end up having a fourth and fifth draft and still not feel it's ready for submission.

I'm going to finish this edit, get feedback on all of it and go from there.

See distractions? I started this post talking about wrist pain. I've got carpal tunnel. Okay well, I say I have carpal tunnel. I have all the symptoms and have for a long time. My father had to have surgery on both his wrists and an elbow.

I haven't told my doc about my pain because I don't really want to have surgery. And I don't want to go through the physical therapy I'm sure he'd want me to do before said surgery when I know I'll end up having surgery anyways. I did come across a short video today, it demonstrates some quick stretches that are supposed to help. I don't know how long-term of a fix it is for carpal tunnel, but for tendinitis it seems like a good fix. A couple of the stretches did alleviate my pain, but only for a short while. I'll stick with them for a bit and see if overall they help. If they do, maybe I can avoid surgery all together. :D

Oh, the link might be helpful.. Here ya go.

I know I could go back and edit this post into a much more cohesive, simply better post. But I'm tired, it's late. Editing fries my brain. I do enjoy it, but for me, it takes much more mental power then actually writing. There's no 'zone' for me when editing. When writing, I'll get into the zone and time and pages will fly. I'll stop, and feel like I just ran a race but am refreshed. After editing, I just want to nap.

I do apologize for the many grammatical mistakes I know I make on this blog. Grammar has never been my strong suit. I have been brushing up on it, I'll be taking an English grammar class next semester (hopefully!), so I am aware of it. Can I blame my bad grammar on the fact that I've lost my copy of Shrunk and White?

Like always, if any of you notice anything and it bugs you, feel free to leave a comment bashing my grammar. :) I really don't mind. Outside thoughts help me see my weak spots. I also know I use the wrong word when my brain is thinking too far ahead.

Example: I just used 'away' instead of 'ahead'.

Anyone have any wrist pain? Goals you hope to reach soon? A certain grammar mistake you make constantly? (I've learned I have comma problems.)


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Racing Myself!

So not going to make my goal. This past week has just been simply unbelievable.

I'm going to race myself, to see how much I can get done, before I head to Colorado on the 23rd. That's 11 days, counting today. I've got way more work left to do on Ivory than I should. I'm hoping the time crunch will get my butt in gear.

Short post, off to get some pages done. I've got a deadline!

So blogger keeps acting all weird on me. It hasn't let me post this post yet. Hopefully this time it'll work. I wanted to add that my ability to get distraction will become legendary.

I was working on a page, and somehow I then found myself on Google, searching 'cute welcome home cupcake ideas'. I have no idea how my brain went from focusing on the page to searching for cupcakes. Yes, I have been thinking about making cupcakes, my husband requested them as well as a lemon meringue pie for when he gets home. I've got about a month-ish. But still. How does that happen?

Blogger, please work! I'm off to work again, I'm seriously considering attempting the trick of turning your internet off. If I find myself searching for cupcake ideas again, I will.

Anyone else get distracted that easily?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sad Day

This is a sad day. For those of you that don't know, my husband is stationed at Fort Hood. He is currently deployed but I am still here. I'm fine, so far most everyone I personally know is fine. This is such a tragedy.

I have no more words. God be with them all.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Music and Writing

Everyone that's doing are you doing?

I keep remembering on the forums how people would ask what music you listen to while writing. I would always said whatever is on the radio or that I'd have a movie playing in the background.

I've discovered that there is one album that helps me. If I play it, I'll be lost in the writing world forever. Whether I'm writing or editing. That album is A Fine Frenzy's One Cell in the Sea.

So I can now say that yes, music does help me write. It's kinda nice. I almost have a writing prep routine now. Turn off the TV, I'd put the phone on silent if my husband was home, turn on that music and get to work. So far it's working every time. :)

Do any of you have certain things you do before you start writing?